Our Week in Paradise!


There's a little tourist trap on the far west end of Grand Cayman called "Hell". There is a rock formation here that I suppose looks like Hell from Dante's Inferno.

I found a YouTube video on it-> http://youtu.be/o-ouW-UXUZI

Basically, Garrett had been REALLY excited about coming here because he wanted to come home to share with his 2nd Grade Class that he "Went to Hell" for Spring Break... ah, 2nd Graders... 

There is a post office here and you go into the shop and buy "Postcards from Hell" to mail to people that are postmarked "Hell" with all kinds of crazy photos and such... total tourist trap... hilarious though :) 

The Devil - El Diablo

Mom always warned me to not be naughty or else I would end up in Hell.... I don't know what I was worried about, it's actually pretty darn nice here :)